It begins with a spark
Ignites into a flame
It charges through your chest
It fills your lungs
Every breath you take burns within your throat
Your eyes water
Your head spins
Your legs are too heavy to move
You reach out...
Hoping to touch something
Hoping to feel something
Needing to hold anything for support
The tips of your fingers reach out a little farther
It's difficult to see through the fog
And then...
Something is there
Something to give you hope that not all is lost
There it is, almost out of reach, but still there
With one last belief in your own heart, you take that leap of faith
And hold onto the one thing you believe can save you.
You leap forward~
but still here in our hearts
A very beautiful, but dangerous sentiment in these lines....."With one last belief in your own heart, you take that leap of faith
And hold onto the one thing you believe can save you.
You leap forward~